Program Details
- Schedule: Thursday evenings, 5 PM - 8 PM (CST)
- Start Date: February 6th
- Duration: 9 weeks, with breaks after every three sessions
- Investment: $999
- Format: Live virtual classes with supplementary video content and small group inner work
“Drivers encountering a winding road sign must be prepared to slow down.”
Our path through our lives is hardly a straight line. We meet bumps and quick turns and meet others on this path who know…
“If we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. If we treat them as what they could be, they will become what they are capable of becoming.”
Join us for The Enneagram & Nature: Supporting the Wild Human Soul in Modern World
Join us for this special IEA LIVE event on Enneagram and Insight by Sang Jin Hyun, Ph.D.
For those of you that want to connect more deeply with yourself and others… What if the key lies within the wisdom of your heart? Join us for the Global Enneagram Workshop: "Beyond the Mind: Awakening the Heart through the…
Un residenziale dedicato all’esplorazione della forza vitale dell’istinto attraverso il Movimento Somatico, l’Enneagramma, la Comunicazione Non Violenta e la meditazione. La coscienza corporea e istintiva è fondamentale per la vera maturità spirituale. Senza comprendere la nostra natura animale e senza…
The Enneagram and Integral Coaching, on:
"I have always thought of Christmas time... as a good time; a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, when men and women seem by one consent to open…
Virtual | Type, Teach, Transform through the 27 Enneagram Subtypes Stretch your understanding, enhance your skills, and incorporate real-world applications Augment Your Subtype Knowledge
- We’ll explore the architecture of each Enneagram type as a context for subtypes.
- You’ll immerse…
Join us for this special IEA LIVE event on The Rhodium Rule by R. Karl Hebenstreit.
Un corso che offre sostegno pratico e spirituale a chi sostiene gli altri dal 9 novembre 2024 al 19 aprile 2025 due sabati al mese dalle 10:00 alle 17:00 su piattaforma Zoom.
Incontro aperto on-line di presentazione del residenziale di Enneagramma e Somatica “La potenza dell’istinto-Il corpo veicolo di armonia tra materia e spirito” a San Casciano in Val di Pesa dal 27 novembre al 1 dicembre 2024. Link di accesso…
“For anyone feeling they are stuck and know there must be another way”…
Join us for this special IEA LIVE event on 3 Instincts x 9 Enneagram Types = 27 Passions by Saleh Vallander.
The format of this interactive, 3-day workshop is a combination of lecture, demonstrations, type groups, meditation and exercises. It provides information about and an experience of the use of arrow-line points for self-development. The relationship with wings will also be…
Incontro aperto on-line di presentazione del corso “Enneagramma per le professioni di aiuto” che si svolgerà on-line dal 9 novembre 2024 al 19 aprile 2025. Link di accesso all’incontro
Finding Freedom in Relationships Using Object Relations and the Enneagram (Part One)
INSTRUCTOR: Belinda Gore
Approved for 10.5 ICF CCE Units…
Virtual | The Art of Enneagram Typing and Training Program Enneagram type and typing is simple and complex simultaneously. The single most challenging aspect of teaching the Enneagram is to assist others in discovering their Enneagram type in an accurate…
Una giornata rivolta a chi desidera avvicinarsi alla mappa e a chi già ne ha esperienza e vuole esplorare l’approccio EnneagrammaIntegrale.
- i principi di essenza e personalità
- i fondamenti…
The nine personality types of the Enneagram are not static categories. Rather, seen from a spiritual perspective, they are portals into our own souls and represent starting points for our conscious evolution. LEARN about the connecting lines, heart and stress…
The ultimate Enneagram experience! Join the Enneagram Las Vegas Community Gathering this Oct. 2nd–4th, at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. Connect with internationally respected Enneagram leaders - Jerry Wagner, Ginger Lapid-Bogda, Peter O’Hanrahan, Katherine Chernick Fauvre, Milton Stewart, Sharon Ball, & Chloe Keric-Eli. We’ll…
It is possible to be free from the persecutions of our personality, and this course has been developed for this exact reason: to move us up the Levels of Development so that we can find more freedom, joy and ease…