The Enneagram of Personality teaches three centers of intelligence, the mind, heart, and body. Gurdjieff’s original system taught the Enneagram as a system of transformation through awakening and integrating the seven centers of intelligence: instinctual, moving, sexual, emotional, intellectual, higher emotional, and higher intellectual. To be fully awake, all seven centers must be expanded and integrated.

We will explore each of the seven centers of intelligence and how they operate. The instinctive center involves involuntary physical functions, physical senses, sensations, and reflexes. The moving center is responsible for external movements like walking, writing, and eating. The sexual center governs sexual function and produces energy for creation. The emotional center expresses feelings while the intellectual center expresses thinking. The higher emotional center functions in expanded self-consciousness and selfawareness. The higher intellectual center is awakened with objective consciousness.

Discover how the moving, instinctual, sexual, emotional, and mental centers operate in your life, through movement, video, music, and experience. At the end of the session, you will have an opportunity to experience embod-ied presence with all seven centers of intelligence integrated. This session will be highly interactive and experiential allowing participants to access new levels of transformation in their lives.

Deborah Ooten
Beth O’Hara


2017 IEA Global Conference

San Antonio, Texas, USA

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