Are you blocking yourself from the love you want? The Enneagram offers a powerful map for understanding where we lose connection in love and why. But insight alone doesn’t allow us to drop our defenses or forget our vulnerabilities. We need support in finding our way back. In this session you will learn how each Enneagram type unintentionally gets in the way of giving and receiving love. You will also learn practices to navigate through the challenging and fertile territory that close relationships necessarily present us with. These tools will help you:
Work with your defenses, encouraging yourself back to the present
Unravel core negative beliefs about yourself and the other
See past surface conflicts to understand true needs
Reclaim the wholeheartedness you are made for
Engage the wisdom of your head, heart and belly
Cultivate the generative, tender, and brave place love asks us to stand in
Through experiential exercises, lecture and discussion, we will explore how to reduce the grip of our types in this tender territory, and how to show up more willingly for the gifts love wants us to receive.
Sarah Walston
2017 IEA Global Conference
San Antonio, Texas, USA
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