View only 2021 IEA Global Conference Discovery Track sessions

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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Keynote | Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference

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Presenter: Robert Holden

"Your destiny is not to find love; it is to become the most loving person you can be." Loveability, Robert Holden "Let us widen our circle of love so as…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Khaled M ElSherbini

The Integral Enneagram model is the integration of three main components: The Enneagram: a profoundly enlightening human psychospiritual model that reveals the hidden patterns of human drives, motivational systems, survival…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Russ Hudson

Over the years I have often been quoted and paraphrased for a line I came up with back around 1993: "The Enneagram doesn't put you in a box. It shows…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Drew Moser

Presenter: Mario Sikora

This session will introduce the history of the Enneagram and the basic Personality Enneagram teachings. Where did the teachings come from and how did they emerge or arrive in their…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Pedro Espadas

A bunch of needs that we are not really able to satisfy naturally. We have judgements, emotional patterns and what is most important lack of energy to stand for them.…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Beatrice Chestnut

Presenter: Uranio Paes

In this presentation we will explore how childhood trauma impacts the way personality operates and the ways the Enneagram map can help us understand how it shapes the different types…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference

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Presenter: Deborah Egerton

Presenter: Vanessa Fernandez

This session will go deeper into the Body Center and the three body-based personality styles at points 8, 9, 1. What are the characteristics and functions of our Moving Center?…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Types influence and affect how each of the 9 Enneagram Types form, develop and maintain intimate relationships. It will introduce many significant findings from the first study to the most…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Patrick H. O'Leary

How does the Enneagram describe the human personality so accurately? Why does it ring a bell so loudly? The presenter will share insights gained in 50 years of practice. Like…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference panel

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Moderator: TJ Dawe

Panelist: Bernadette Galea

Everyone is creative. Whether a person makes their living with their art, dabbles occasionally as a hobby, or flirts with the idea of doing that creative thing that they haven't…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD

Presenter: Russell (Tres) Bogda

Metaphor is a figure of speech that directly compares one thing to another for the purpose of illuminating information and amplifying that which is being taught. Pictures, understood as symbol…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Anne Geary

As human beings we share the Universal Desire to love and to be loved. And, as human beings we also share the Universal Truth of being separated from the Universal…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Jessica Dibb

The Enneagram is ultimately a map of non-fixated, awakened consciousness and human wholeness. It is universally applicable to every dimension of life - beyond belief systems, cultures, or modalities. In…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Ingrid Stabb

Millennials are changing the way we think about career fulfillment. They expect more intrinsic rewards from their careers than previous generations, and are willing to switch jobs more frequently. According…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Hera Hyejin Kim

The presentation is designed to understand the function of the Moving, Thinking, and Feeling Centers. The proper role of the Moving Center is 'the Will to Live'. The Thinking Center…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Tracy Tresidder

Nature or Nurture? Where did my personality come from? The relationship of temperament to personality in your developing children. How understanding this connection can support parents in managing their own…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Marika Borg-Summanen

Presenter: Viivi Pentikainen

Is it ethical? Is it wise? is it even possible? Accurate typing of an individual's enneagram style is a complex balance of adequate knowledge, plenty of experience and an abundance…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Maura Amelia Bonanno

Enneagram and Somatic movement is an integrated approach to learning and transformative experience. The original Enneagram teaching pointed out that the ego-type is rooted in our anatomy. The field of…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Nataliia Bolshakova

In this presentation Nataliia will be introducing the findings of her "Enneagram for Teenagers" and "Enneagram for Pre-teens" programs. She will be presenting the core findings, the methodologies suggested, and…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference

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Presenter: Judith Lewis

Presenter: Mary Linam

This session will go deeper into the Heart Center and the three heart-based personality styles at points 234. What are the characteristics and functions of our Feeling Center? What are…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Gema de la Rosa

Presenter: Gonzalo Moran

"Like those rank weeds, which only a soil the most corrupt can nourish, the root of this baneful vice must be sought among the basest passions of the human heart-those…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Lucille Greeff

Presenter: Julia Kukard

Presenter: Simon Kettleborough

This highly interactive session offers a straightforward, down-to-earth, gritty South African discussion about race and the Enneagram. Now, more than ever, the world needs to have these conversations to promote…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Milton C. Stewart, MBA

Presenter: Jerome Wagner

This session will go deeper into the Head Center and the three head-based personality styles at points 5, 6, 7. What are the characteristics and functions of our Thinking Center?…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Tamer Zanaty

Presenter: Rehab Bakkar

Relationships are central to our lives and can be the source of our happiness or sadness, but nurturing them can be hard work. In this session we will present a…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Adelaida Harrison

You will understand how and why the ego or personality exists. You will discover that ego is not your enemy, its goal is to help you survive when you are…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Mario Sikora

Presenter: Vibha Gosselin

The concept of "self" hovers over our work with the Enneagram - people talk about finding themselves, finding their "true" or "authentic" self and how it is different from their…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference

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Presenter: Mahmoud Fouad

Presenter: Russ Hudson

This session will overview how the Enneagram is a dynamic symbol. How does energy move around the symbol and within its connecting lines? How are core personality styles influenced by…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference session

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Presenter: Valerie Atkin

Presenter: Denise Vaneck

A strong aversion to failure is commonly associated with Type 3s, but every type has a relationship with this powerful human experience, which is part of our brain's hardwired process…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021 Discovery

2021 IEA Global Conference

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Presenter: Beatrice Chestnut

Presenter: Sarajane Case

This session will overview the three instincts and how the instincts interact with the core types to create subtypes. What are the characteristics and functions of the instincts? What are…
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Fri Jul 16, 2021

2021 IEA Global Conference panel

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Moderator: Deborah Egerton

Moderator: Jessica Dibb


Panelist: Tamer Zanaty

We are not truly free to thrive until everyone is free to thrive- until we all feel safety and support to be, express, and love who and what we love.…
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