San Francisco, California, United States
Thu Jul 29, 2010 – Sun Aug 01, 2010
Program PDF

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Thu Jul 29, 2010 Preconference

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Don Richard Riso

Presenter: Russ Hudson

In this all-day program, Don Riso and Russ Hudson, two of the leading teachers and developers of the Enneagram system in the world today, will present their ground-breaking material on…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010 Keynote

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Jerome Wagner

The Rosetta Stone provides a way of deciphering some languages that otherwise would not have been understood. The Enneagram presents a system for understanding physical, psychological, and spiritual realities whose…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Marika Borg-Summanen

Come and be inspired to take this powerful tool to business people! Marika has used the Enneagram for over ten years in her full-time work as a corporate trainer and…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Flemming Christensen

In this workshop, Flemming Christensen will present ideas and exercises from his newest book, which is about integrating your core purpose into your life with the help of the Enneagram…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Katherine Chernick Fauvre

Learn what your Tritype reveals about your innate strengths and life mission.

Discover the basic needs and concerns of each Tritype combination.

Learn why those with the same Tritype…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Andrea Isaacs

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is having the ability to respond appropriately and effectively, no matter what. Often this means expanding our comfort zone. EnneaMotion, an experiential approach to the Enneagram, guides…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Carol Erickson

Presenter: Tom Condon

Carol Erickson, assisted by Tom Condon, will work with an audience member who wants to change an Enneagram-related problem, using Ericksonian methods customized to that person’s Enneagram style. Such demonstrations…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: David Burke

The Enneagram is a cipher that describes the nature of the cosmos based upon the universal laws of physics and science. Using the latest advances in astronomy, cosmology, and psychology…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Eric Wheeler

In the past several years the life and work of Frank Lloyd Wright has become widely discussed in popular culture. Wright’s third wife, Olgivanna, was an early and lifelong devotee…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Monica Tinoco

Presenter: Consuelo Ramirez

The purpose of the session will be to show the audience what the stages of conflict are and how the type emerges during each stage. This will be done in…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Mary Anne Wampler

Presenter: Theresa Gale

Join us as we explore your beliefs about selling and their effect on your business success. Using the Enneagram, discover how your style affects your ability to sell. Learn new…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Marysue Mistler

Do the nine Enneagram types exist in animals? And if so, how do the nine types appear within specific animal species that have similar social structure to humans, such as…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

No Recording

Presenter: Benedicte de Navacelle

Cross the thresholds of the nine doors of the soul with nine meditative dances created with Gurdjieff music!

The experience of sacred dance is an invitation to reach and open up…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Michael Naylor

This session will discuss the use of the Enneagram with individuals in early recovery and the use of the Enneagram at different stages of addiction recovery. Each type will be…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Viviana Trucco

The Geometry of My Enneagram Identifications is a method that turns the Enneagram of Personality into a computerized tool that allows the recognition of the personal profile within the prototype…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: German A. Benavides

Presenter: Maria Duque

Fundamental truths of human beings have generated a philosophical catharsis about the role of the mind confronted to the pure essence.

Finding the inner freedom, understood as “no need for internal…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Hugo Antonio

How can we effectively integrate the Enneagram as a permanent coaching tool in business? This session will show the case of an international insurance company that wanted to change the…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Maura Amelia Bonanno

This workshop introduces the exploration of our instinctual intelligence centre and the instincts through movement. The method is inspired by the common statements recognizable between the Enneagram teaching, the anthropology…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Joyce Stenstrom

We will explore ways in which the Enneagram personality types have been organized into groups of three types each, what I call the Triadics. In the Riso-Hudson teaching and writing,…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Per Striegler

In the board game Life Prison(R) you will gain new insight into yourself and others, making personal development through serious play. Life Prison(R) is a board game taking place in…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Ruth Shell

The Enneagram is both a map and a path. When we explore the nine different personality expressions that the Enneagram maps out, we can gain rich insight about ourselves and…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Barbara Arney

Envy is a “dirty little secret” of all types and an uncomfortable reality of human nature we prefer to avoid talking about. By increasing awareness of “envy hooks,” we can…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Dave Tomlinson

How the Enneagram can be used as a key resource in a pastoral context, alongside other counseling and therapeutic skills to:

Nurture different spiritualities within a community, based on the…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: David Daniels

Presenter: Curt Micka

What keeps us human beings from resolving conflicts constructively and compassionately, going from dug in anger and resentment to peace and love? What vision is required for truly transforming conflict?…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD

Coaching is increasingly becoming a best-inclass method for personal and professional development, and the Enneagram, while not a quick coaching fix, is the most powerful way to help people learn…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Patrick H. O'Leary

2795 the Enneagram Code

In this seminar participants will pursue the Enneagram Code, in a journey worthy of a Dan Brown novel. We will dissect the modern Enneagram into its components…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Marion Gilbert

Presenter: Peter O'Hanrahan

The Enneagram describes our type structure in three centers – head, heart, and body. While these centers express the habits of our type, they also offer important resources. Our goal…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Don Richard Riso

Presenter: Russ Hudson

As many traditions have noted, spiritual growth is like peeling the layers of an onion to get to its core. This process raises many important questions: What will one encounter…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Katrina Stevens

When Gurdjieff referred to the Enneagram diagram as the `fundamental hieroglyph of a universal language’ he had good reason to do so: encoded within it is a comprehensive understanding of…

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Thu Jul 29, 2010

2010 IEA Global Conference Presentation

Has Audio Recording

Presenter: Valerie Atkin

Presenter: Jerome Wagner

This highly interactive (and fun) session will begin with a model for effective facilitation and the skills required to make the model sing. By overlaying the Enneagram we’ll identify the…

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