The Enneagram’s Nine Bridges of Love Rumi wrote, “Love is the bridge between you and everything.” Currently, our earth faces extreme factionism which as it grows, threatens life and the survival of humanity. To bridge the factions between people and collectives, the bridge of Love is essential. But before we bridge the chasms between others, we must first cross an internal bridge of love within ourselves. This all-important bridge takes us from our ego and its fixations to the conscious presence of our essence. How do we build such a life-giving bridge? The Enneagram contains the Holy Ideas which are nine bridges of love. This session shows how to build these bridges within us.

Through film, lecture, experiential exercises, and small interactive groups, participants will experience the power and perceptual changes produced by re-membering and being present with their Holy Idea. In the second portion, participants will explore through previously filmed interviews, guided imagery, and small groups, how to bridge gaps within families, organizations and communities, by collaborating out of the energy of their Holy Idea. A panel discussion will follow which will summarize participant experiences.

Joseph Howell


2018 IEA Global Conference

Cincinnati, Ohio, USA