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Casais felizes, amigos em festas sorrindo, profissionais sendo reconhecidos... somos diariamente bombardeados com imagens nas redes sociais e na vida "real". É…

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For more than 800 years Western universities have successfully built specialized disciplines based on empirical and deductive reasoning in the Aristotelian tradition, which has eclipsed the exercise of speculative…

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The French writer André Malraux once asked an old priest what he had learned about human nature after having spent a lifetime hearing people’s confessions. The priest replied: “Fundamentally, there…

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Fall Greetings! Our September Newsletter is from Enneagram Author and IEA/Great Lakes President Clare Loughrige. We hope you enjoy a small sample of her work with Harmony Triads and Transformation.…

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Art mirrors the soul. Our subconscious floats to the surface of the canvas (or sculpture, performance art, etc.) and reveals what was previously hidden. As such, art can be a…

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Our Enneagram Type is around 50% nature, and 50% nurture. Our genetic heritage is like a seed, and it evolves…

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We hope you are enjoying the lazy days of summer but can include a 50 minute life-giving and impacting, E-experience! At our Midday Cafe we welcomed Milton Stewart, MBA.

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The Enneagram: The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander While the topic of bullying has received much attention, the enneagram adds understanding to some of the dynamics in this painful…

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“To be happy, an alchemic journey from the ego to the essential being”

The author. Cris Bolívar.   To love the Being is to love its…

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Opinion: The days of succeeding by just focusing on the bottom line are over. Consumers, employees, and shareholders alike are demanding more. Indeed, even our environment is asking us to…

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We, the authors of Nine Sapiens, have long sat on the wall that divides the world…

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The ancient Pythagorean philosophers of southern Italy—back in the 6th century BC—were very clear about the importance of ‘measure’ as a condition of harmony, and that in a very concrete…

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IEA January 2021 Newsletter

This edition of our January Newsletter includes:

  • Upcoming Practitioner/Teacher Enneagram  events
  • Mid Day Cafe – Information on Clare Loughrige’s interview with Enneagram author Drew Moser

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The Enneagram Love Triads

At the 2017 Enneagram Global Summit lectures, Jessica Dibb was chatting to the late Claudio Naranjo in a talk entitled “The Enneagram and Multiplicity.” Naranjo described…

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By Cathy Hudson, Certified Enneagram Teacher – January 2021

Day after day, one life.
Now it begins, now we start
One hand, one heart,
Even death won’t part…

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«Desapegarse de los deseos… va más allá de un desapego…

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Dear Enneagram Friends,
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King said,“A great…

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Hablar de la experiencia del vacío es todo un desafío. En lugar de enfrentarlo, muchas veces quizás ‘le sacamos el cuerpo’, es decir, evitamos experimentar el vacío porque nos resulta…

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Mama Coco and Hudson

Once upon a time in a far-off land 2 beautiful beings met. One was divine black being (Mama Coco) and one was a…

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IEA Korea was established in 2008 as the only official affiliate of International Enneagram Association. Our vision is to contribute to the building of healthier society through the wisdom of…

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