Interview of Khristian Paterhan by Uranio Paes

Khristian Paterhan has a degree in business administration and is a master trainer in NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming). Originally from Chile, he now resides in Brazil and is the author of three books, two of which are about the Enneagram, titled, The Upgrade Nine Training: Enneagram and NLP, and Eneagrama. He is the founder of the Institute for the Whole Human Development (IDHI) and ex-professor of MBA team management of Fundacao Getulio Vargas (FGV), Latin America’s top business school. Paterhan is one of the leading Enneagram teachers in Brazil and is also a founding member and the current president of IEA Brazil. He will be delivering the endnote address at the 2008 IEA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA…

Uranio Paes
Khristian Paterhan Condes


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Interview of Khristian Paterhan by Uranio Paes (PDF)