Enneagram Styles, Coaching, and the Use of Metaphor

Metaphor is perhaps one of man’s most fruitful potentialities. Its efficacy verges on magic, and it seems a tool for creation which God left inside His creatures when He made them. — Jose Ortega y Gasset

Introduction: Alice’s Lesson

I learned young that you can’t change someone’s mind with linear logic. Alice taught me about how we are crazy. Alice was clinically, colorfully insane. I had just graduated from St. John ‘s University with my degree in philosophy, so I was really smart. Alice was in one of the back wards of the state hospital in Fergus Falls, MN where she was, in effect, warehoused. I was a new intern and the psychiatrist was showing us around, explaining our roles. He encouraged us to talk with the patients…


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Enneagram Styles, Coaching, and the Use of Metaphor (PDF)