“What Gurdjieff calls `Objective science’ uses the musical analogy to depict a universe composed of a chain of energies that stretches from the lowest octave to the highest: each energy is transformed as it rises and falls, taking on a coarser or finer nature according to its place in the scale. At each specific level, an energy corresponds to a degree of intelligence, and it is consciousness itself, fluctuating within a wide range of vibrations, that determines human experience…Gurdjieff also affirms the reality of an absolute level of pure quality (always evolving). From this source, energies descend to meet and interact with the energies we know. When this intermingling of pure with gross takes place, it can change the meaning of our actions and the influence they bear on the world.” Peter Brook (Gurdjieff, 2008)
Abstract: Our experience has shown that if the Enneagram is used as an isolated personality system, people can become more identified with their type rather than evolving. In Integral Psychology, Ken Wilber (2000) states that typology systems such as Meyers-Briggs, the Enneagram, and Jungian types are horizontal systems. While useful for self awareness, these systems do not describe the whole picture of human development. However, pairing a horizontal system like the Enneagram with a vertical system of the stages and waves of the unfolding of human consciousness like Spiral Dynamics(R), “you can start to see what a truly multidimensional psychology might look like” (Wilber, p. 54).
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Consciousness Ascending: Levels of Consciousness and the Enneagram (PDF)