Nine Lenses on the World: The Enneagram Perspective

Nine Lenses on the World is an excellent compilation and arrangement of a master teacher’s work, clearly written from the high side of Lens Five, the Perspective of Wisdom. The book applies a variety of psychological, spiritual and practical personal growth models and demonstrates how each may enhance our understanding of the Enneagram. It is loaded with rich content that was available previously only through Wagner’s training program or articles in other publications. While an appropriate text for students new to the Enneagram, Nine Lenses also provides seasoned readers, clinicians and teachers a plethora of new ways to present the Enneagram. This is sure to be the new blue book that illustrates how the Enneagram is practical for everyday life, greatly because of its shared history with wisdom traditions and modern psychology…

Dale Rhodes
Jerome Wagner


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Nine Lenses on the World: The Enneagram Perspective (PDF)