Dr. Margaret Smith has written an engaging and ambitious book that goes far beyond the subject of money management to look at how people with different personality types and different instinctual priorities relate to money, scarcity, prosperity, and abundance. Along the way, we learn much that is new and thought-provoking, not only about how the nine Enneagram types relate to money, but also about the underlying complexities of the Enneagram itself. Smith has a penetrating grasp of the manifold structural patterns contained within the Enneagram diagram, and she uses her insights into these patterns to deepen her exploration into how the Enneagram, both as a personality system and also as a structure for making meaning, can help us to understand our often unconscious motivations and behaviors in the realm of money…
Dave Hall
Margaret Smith
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Money: From Fear to Love Using the Enneagram to Create Wealth, Prosperity and Love (PDF)