Abstract: When theory building for a system like the Enneagram, it is important to base new distinctions on a solid empirical and practical foundation. With the breadth of fine distinctions already built into Enneagram theory, it seemed that most avenues of distinction had been fleshed out. However, upon working with a multitude of clients, a fascinating pattern emerged. Research and test results with clients revealed that people utilize one type in each center of intelligence: head (5,6,7), heart (2,3,4) and gut (8,9,1), and that these types were used in a preferred order, with one being dominant. These TritypeTM combinations also reveal specific character archetypes that enrich and enhance current Enneagram theory and provide Enneagram researchers and enthusiasts with a new typing language…
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Exploring Enneagram Tritype(TM): Theory And Practice (PDF)