Looking forward: We will host Dr. David Daniels in San Francisco in February, 2013 doing what he does best – working with individuals, couples and panels on relationship issues and remedies. The Chapter appreciates David’s willingness to spend a weekend with us. If you are interested, visit our website: All of the details including registration will appear – soon. Join us – all are welcome.

Excitement is building already about our 2013 IEA Global Conference. The mile-high city of Denver is an intriguing and interesting destination all on its own. With many attractions in and nearby, you can take advantage of the incredible room rates at the Denver Westin Downtown. Be sure to experience the fresh mountain air, clear skies and beautiful scenery. Information concerning the area will flow freely over the next months.

For conference itself: terrific presenters are lining up. Helen Palmer will share with us on PreConference Day. Surprises and new offering s will follow. Stay tuned. Put the dates on our calendar now, August 1 – 4, 2013. Come early, stay late – but do not miss it!