About the IEA

join_iea2Like any vibrant, dynamic organization, the IEA continues to evolve as the needs of our members evolve.

Our vision a world where the Enneagram is widely understood and constructively used remains unchanged but our mission, the way the IEA will help bring that vision to fruition, has changed. The IEA’s board of directors voted to revise the IEA’s mission statement to:

The IEA’s mission is to help our members thrive through providing opportunities for:

• Developing greater excellence in the use of the Enneagram

• Education in theory and application of the Enneagram

• Engagement with an international community of shared interest and diversified approach

In the past, the IEA’s mission has been to serve as a hub for developments in theory and application of the Enneagram. As popularity of the Enneagram spreads we see a larger need, a need driven by the changing demographics of our membership.

Essentially, our members fall into two broad categories:

• Those who use the Enneagram in their own personal work.

• Those who also use the Enneagram in their work with others in areas such as spirituality, psychology, education, the arts, or business.

The IEA will continue to provide the same (and even more) services that we always have to the first category of members. We are committed to: insightful and informative publications covering all the latest developments in Enneagram theory and application; an international conference and an increasing number of regional conferences that bring the finest Enneagram teachers in the world together under one roof; and providing an opportunity for local and global communion with fascinating, like-minded people.

The growth in the IEA’s membership has been in the second category, people who use the Enneagram in their work with others. As people take the Enneagram out into the world, it is important to all of us that we do so constructively, in a manner that is ethical and beneficial to the individual. We see our mission as supporting and encouraging those efforts – serving the community of people publicly committed to a shared set of ethical standards and commitment to integrity in our practice.

The new mission statement changes little about the spirit of the organization, but it serves as a public declaration of intent. It will help the IEA’s board of directors, other volunteers, and all of us, as members, better focus our energy and the organization’s resources on the initiatives that matter the most.

Benefits of Membership

Membership in the IEA brings a variety of benefits. The more-tangible benefits are listed below, but it is easy to overlook the intangible benefits of membership. Membership in the IEA sends a signal to the world that you are part of an international community of practitioners committed to excellence in their personal and professional practices. It shows that you find value in fellowship with people who share your commitment to the development of wisdom, understanding, and compassion for self and others. And, it shows that you are committed to helping to bring about the IEA’s vision of a world where the Enneagram is widely understood and constructively used.

Other member benefits include

• Discounted Registration to the Annual IEA Conference and some regional conferences

• Access to Member Only section of the IEA website, which includes:

— Members Only directory

— Enneagram symbols for download

— Back issues of Nine Points Magazine available for download

• Discounts on books and many training programs

• IEA podcast interviews with leading Enneagram teachers


Professional members also receive

• A free copy of the annual Enneagram Journal

• Free listing of their services and events on the IEA website calendar

• Eligibility for IEA Professional Accreditation

• Eligibility to present at IEA conferences and events

• Eligibility for listing on IEA Speakers Bureau

• Listing in the “Find a Professional” directory on the website

• Invitation to attend the Professional Member reception at the annual IEA conference

• Eligibility to purchase an email blast sent to the IEA database


The International Enneagram Association brings together Enneagram professionals and aficionados from around the world. Be part of a global learning community by becoming a member of the IEA today!


Visit us at www.internationalenneagram.org