Do you know your Instinctual Stack? Would you be interested in sharing your knowledge in an effort to help others more easily recognize their Instinctual Stack? If so, Sherry Andre, a doctoral student at Florida Atlantic University is conducting a validation study on the Riso-Hudson Instinctual Variants Questionnaire (IVQ) and would appreciate your participation.
The study is being conducted electronically, in which participants anonymously complete the IVQ and provide their self-identified Instinctual Stack for analysis.
If you would like to participate in the research on the Instincts, please respond to sandre2@fau.edu or sherryandre@gmail.com with your email address. Please note all email addresses received for this study will not be sold or shared and will only be used to confirm participation in and receive updates on this study. You are also under no obligation to complete the study once you submit your email address.
If you know your Instinctual Stack, your participation in this study would be greatly appreciated so we can not only expand the validity and awareness of the Instincts, but also help others begin to recognize their Instinctual Stack for personal growth.