1. Tom Condon has very generously agreed to post some substantial pieces from his book, “The Dynamic Enneagram”, on Nine Points; these will start appearing once a week from tomorrow.
2. Albert Kamphuis and Mario Sikora are also writing series of articles for Nine Points too, so keep an eye for these too.
3. The Enneagram Journal can only be produced with masses of time and energy donated freely by some very devoted people. I was very remiss in the current edition not to mention the help given by Joan Ryan, one of our readers; thank you, Joan and apologies for missing your name from the finished copy.
4. Due to the nature of some of the articles in the Journal, it was a difficult one to “type-set”, and this would never have happened with the help of Nico Larrain; thanks again, Nico, and I just keep my fingers crossed that you’ll help us again next year.