The first Italian IEA Italia Local Enneagram Event took place on September 14th and 15th 2013 in Sestri Levante, a wonderful seaside town in the Liguria region.
Most participants were invited by local teachers and friends, or out of curiosity about the Enneagram. Some of them decided to become members in 2014; others offered to give help to the association. It has been a great success.
Thirty-three participants, seven workshops, two outdoor happenings. Science, psychology, health, tantra, vices and virtues, were some of the covered topics.
Maura and I opened the Event speaking about the spirit and the vision that inspired us to be there.
The nice location and the sunny weather supported our unexpected success, which, on reflection, flowed naturally from the current situation in Italy.
A well set-up agenda and good timing produced a complete success, and the “Harmonic Laughter Yoga” closing piece was led by our precious webmaster, Davide.
If you consider that we only have three people on our board plus our webmaster organizing the event, we can frankly say that we are able and satisfied to carry on and take care of our inspiration and vision starting towards our mission.
Marina Mele
Vice President Associazione Enneagramma IEA Italia
In Vienna, on May 7 1824, for the first time in public the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven was performed. “Monstrous” thundered a respected critic of Beethoven’s day; “Unspeakable cheapness” declared Boston’s Musical Record; “The effect which the writings of Beethoven have had on the art must, I fear, be considered injurious” declared the Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review.
Despite its terribly hard beginning, the Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony is considered today to be among the highest peaks of the artistic creativity of all time and is considered to be one of the most grandiose musical compositions ever written.
Isn’t this an analogous to what happens every time we feel contaminated by something new and revolutionary? When tradition or habits are challenged?
Perhaps we think that everyone has the right of access to any knowledge, including the Enneagram, but there is a tradition that must be defended, cared for and respected.
Or perhaps we believe that anyone who wants to study and deepen the traditional schools of wisdom and the Enneagram is free to do so, but anyone can understand the profound message of symbols without effort.
Or, as third option – or force, if we want to apply the Enneagram – we may recognize what is essential beyond the contradictions and paradoxes and choose to be inspired by a space that can hold both.
These is the inspirations given during the first IEA Italia event. An invitation to be truthful and ethical and respectful for the Enneagram and for our predecessors and teachers and tradition, and at the same time to be open and positive and curious for the new, the different and the discordant. We evolve through reciprocal contamination. Only what we allow to transform will survive and evolve.
The IEA and IEA Affiliates often enter into territories and countries having a very established system, and bring a totally new vision in the way that Enneagrammers can ethically and professionally apply the system and truly communicate and cooperate in a space with shared vision and beyond opinions. It’s a huge thing. It’s an evolutionary challenge we are accepting and we are vehicles for.
Thank you to the board members Marina Mele and Luca Brun and to the webmaster Davide Giansoldati, for being onboard together.
Maura Amelia Bonanno
President Associazione Enneagramma IEA Italia