Join us January 22 for the Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group
The Roseville Discussion Group will meet on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This month we will discuss The Enneagram and Creativity.
Creativity has sometimes been cast as what only a relatively few unique gifted people do–like artists or interior decorators or vocalists. How many times have you heard someone (maybe yourself!) say “Oh, I’m not creative”? Yet we each DO have that intrinsic ability to see things afresh, to move beyond norms, or do something differently than you have before. I would like for us to explore the 2-part question of a) What is a particular obstacle for your Type in being creative? b) Does your Type influence the ways you are in fact creative? What have you noticed? This evening’s discussion will be facilitated by Angelie Ryah of the MN Enneagram community.
We meet in the Board Room on the 2nd floor of the Roseville Public Library which is located on Hamline Ave between County Road B and Highway 36. All interested people are welcome.
For more information or questions, please contact Dave Gagne at dgagne52@gmail.com or call 612-325-8860.