Southside Enneagram Discussion Group – February 4th Meeting
Join us to discuss clearing up common misconceptions and stereotypes of our types. Since we can only see behaviors and not inner needs and motivations, we can often misinterpret what’s really going on with others. Come and share one common misconception about your type and what’s really going on internally that other’s may not be aware of. Hopefully this will be a chance to see ourselves and others in a more understanding and compassionate light.
We are trying a new location – the food court at Southdale – second floor by Penny’s. This is a big space so there will be plenty of room to create a private corner for conversation. We look forward to exploring this topic with you! All are welcome.
Co-led by Karin Grosscup and Stephanie McGoven, members of the MN-IEA Board.
Location: Soutdale Food Court – Second Floor by Penny’s , Edina, MN
Date: Tuesday February 4, 2014
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
For more information, please respond to this email or access our web site at www.mn-iea.org – MN-IEA Events, Discussion Groups, on the left side of the Home Page.
Minnesota Chapter of the International Enneagram Association