New from the Minnesota Chapter

Minnesota logo.jpg.jpgNow is the time to register for our April 12 workshop with Jerry Wagner, Nine Lenses on the World: Using Cognitive Therapy to Check Our Enneagram Prescriptions. A few words of introduction: Dr. Jerome (Jerry) Wagner was among the earliest students of the enneagram (1971), and his dissertation was among the first written descriptions of the enneagram. He has developed an enneagram inventory, authored several enneagram books, and has a certification program. Along with Richard Rohr, Jerry will be a keynote speaker at the Pre-Conference Event at the IEA Global Conference in San Francisco this summer.

One of our MN-IEA members, Mary Honstead (a local practicing psychologist) completed his certification program. Mary says, “Jerry Wagner brings a breadth of knowledge about the Enneagram as well as a depth of insight to his teaching. In addition, he carries himself lightly, allowing his dry wit to illuminate his wisdom. His workshops are engaging and helpful, both personally and professionally.”

Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your understanding of the enneagram!

Some of you may be delaying registering because you hope to win the prize at the drawing at our meeting next Thursday (because you will have attended all 3 triad meetings). Please feel free to go ahead and register now and pay after the meeting (or by check at the meeting) if you do not win. If you are the lucky winner, your registration fee of $110 will be covered by MN-IEA.

Log in at for full information and to register. Early registration rates end on March 27.

We hope to see you at the meeting on Thursday, March 13 and at this workshop on April 12!

Jane McMahill, Membership Chair and Registrar on behalf of the Board of Directors of MN-IEA