IEA Denmark Conference 2014

The 2014 conference was held in Copenhagen.

Denmark Conference 2014 - Hard at workFriday March 14th was the day when the Danish Enneagram community got together at the annual conference. About 75 people – both professionals and enthusiasts – attended a day full of all sorts of Enneagram-related workshops.

The psychologist and the Enneagram

The opening session was presented by a professional psychologist, Kisser Paludan, who talked about how she uses the Enneagram in her work with clients and how a balanced ego is necessary to gain access to essence. She also reminded the room that the most important foundation for further knowledge about oneself is to love oneself. Without that love further development is not possible. And when you love yourself you learn to treat yourself as a dear friend with all that entails.

The actor and the Enneagram

Another session was held by a professional actor who showed how he used his Enneagram knowledge to acquire the necessary presence on stage. With the knowledge from the Enneagram he as an actor knows how to shift focus and presence from the different “spaces” – the inner-oriented space, the other-oriented space, the you-and-I-oriented space etc. And then he taught us that the one place where you meet the most presence is among a group of actors because their work will be nothing without it and they are taught presence as a tool. Interesting how the rest of us go to classes and go through thousands of exercises – and others command presence for a living…

The rest of us and the Enneagram

Denmark Conference 2014 Enneagram - in 3D_2The subjects for the various workshops ranged from the very operational, tool-oriented ways of using the Enneagram in business over the quest for essence and on to the presentation of a very theoretical and science-based idea for a 3D Enneagram model – in cardboard – which a member had thought out over many years (can be seen in the picture). And pretty much everything in between – including the languages of love. All in all there were 10 different workshops and sessions.

One guest, Dorthe, kindly said: “Fantastic conference. New inspiration, exciting workshops and not to forget: Engaging people.”

The Danish IEA who had organized the conference had put a great emphasis on variety both in subject matters as in required knowledge beforehand. That is why there were workshops for both beginners, intermediate and advanced users and it seemed to work very well. The board was certainly very happy with the outcome of the conference and it seemed as if the guests had the same happy experience.