News From The Minnesota Chapter

Minnesota logo.jpg.jpgThe April 12 Jerry Wagner workshop is full

We have reached our capacity of 85 attendees for the April 12 workshop with Dr. Jerome Wagner, well-known Enneagram expert and psychology professor at Loyola University in Chicago. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list in case there are cancellations, please contact

Save the Date

Even though it’s six months away, be sure to mark your calendar now: MN-IEA will be hosting Beatrice Chestnut, author of the recently published “The Complete Enneagram: 27 Paths to Greater Self Knowledge,” for a two-day workshop October 4 and 5, 2014. More details to come.

Don’t miss the final workshop of the programming year

Master Peter Thibado, an 8th degree Black Belt in Taekwondo: Filling Your Personality Palette with Instinctual Strategies – A Martial Artist’s Perspective on the Enneagram

May 13, 6:30pm

Carondelet Center

1890 Randolph Ave in St Paul