Thoughts about the Enneagram on WED from Las Vegas

May 24From Illania Edwards…“I have always been a seeker of balance and questioning how my piece of the puzzle fits into the world. Learning and applying the Enneagram has brought clarity, a sense of purpose and direction and a greater understanding of each and every person and situation I come into contact with. It is a fantastic tool that only gets better as my knowledge increases.”

From Allyson Gunnell…”Understanding the dynamics of the enneagram changed my life. Where conflict, blame and disharmony existed in my relationships, principles of the enneagram altered my perspective to allow for forgiveness, understanding and true friendship. The experience of finding my ‘fourness’ will forever be marked as a turning point.”

From Amy Ream…”Learning and using the Enneagram in my professional and personal life has been life changing. By understanding the core motives of each Enneagram type I have developed healthy long lasting relationships. The Enneagram changed the way I view other’s perspectives and helped me to see how to move in a healthy way as a Six. Because of the Enneagram I have a deeper more profound respect for others as well as myself.”

From Steve Purdom… “The enneagram changed my life. My young adult years were spent trying to achieve success at the expense of my relationships and personal life. Mid-life I was introduced to the enneagram and had an almost immediate understanding of the motivations behind my behavior. That is a tribute to the structure and completeness of the enneagram system. I have spent the last 15 years trying to modify my behavior and continue to work on it every day. I also teach the enneagram because of my passion to share the knowledge that the enneagram contains. I am glad to have the chance on World Enneagram Day to express my gratitude to the enneagram community for the gift of a life better lived.”