News from the Minnesota Chapter – July 2014

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Are you going to the IEA Global Conference?

The San Francisco Bay Area will host the 2014 International Enneagram Association Global Conference July 24-27.  Both Richard Rohr and Jerry Wagner will speak at the Pre-Conference Event on Thursday July 24.  The Keynote address will be given by Richard Rohr while Susan Oldsek will deliver the Endnote address.  Among the various presenters are Minnesota Chapter members MJ McGregor, Curt Micka and Becky Gorman.  This year young adults (30 and under) are eligible for a discounted tuition rate of $200.  For more details, visit If you’re going, please let us know on our Facebook page!

Do you have an event to announce in the e-newsletter?

Discussion Groups

Please send it to by the 27th of the month and we will add it to the next month’s issue. It will also be on the website.

Follow us on LinkedIN!

Simply click here: LinkedIN. Be sure to follow us for another way to keep track of MN-IEA news.

The Roseville Enneagram Discussion Group will meet on July 23 from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Board Room at the Ramsey County Public Library, Roseville branch. Susan Gawreluk will lead a discussion on the three centers: heart, head and gut – and their relationships. The Southside Enneagram Discussion Group is on a summer break and will meet next on September 2  at Still Point Art Studio in St. Louis Park. Visit for more details about both discussion groups.


 Discussion/Study Group for Mental Health Professionals With Kathy L. Heuser, Psy.D., LPCC Last Friday of every month: July 25; 9:00 – 10:30 am The Summit Executive Office Suites, 1500 McAndrews Rd W, Burnsville, MN If you are a mental health professional looking to learn more about the Enneagram of Personality and connect with other interested Mental Health Professionals, consider joining us as we read, study, and discuss Bea Chestnut’s The Complete Enneagram (2013), an excellent entry and deepening into the study of the Enneagram. Participants may attend any/all of these monthly group meetings. Fee: $10 per group meeting (includes breakfast snacks, coffee and tea, and occasional support materials) Please RSVP by phone (612-275-9863) or email ( for the first group you plan to attend. *************************************************************************************

Coming Full Circle:  SoulCollage and the Enneagram With Kathleen Grittner July 25-27 Retreat Weekend Full Circle Retreat, Viroqua, WI – 200 miles south of the Twin Cities During this retreat you will explore how the SoulCollage process can assist your work with your personality structure.  Making a SoulCollage is a fun and simple technique, and like many contemplative practices, very rich and empowering.  Working with images allows your thinking mind to drop away and your intuitive knowing to come to the surface and inform you. For more information: To register:  Contact or 952-920-2384


You, Your Mother, and Your Soul:  Looking at Generational Healing through the Lens of the Enneagram with Anne Muree Sunday August 3, 6 pm to Wednesday August 6, 1 pm Full Circle Retreat, Viroqua, WI – 200 miles South of the Twin Cities In the library of every women’s life our mother is the first book read and the last book put down. This workshop is about claiming our power as women and coming back to ourselves.  It is for women of all ages, who want to take more joy in their life, connect with their creativity, and have the life that is waiting for them.  Participants will get clarity about ways in which our mother’s history continues to influence our choices, health, beliefs and life.  We will explore the spoken and unspoken messages and repeating family patterns passed to us by our foremothers.  We will further enhance our journey with feminine ways of learning; storytelling, ritual, music, imagination, intuition, spontaneous art making and much laughter. For more information: To Register:  Contact or 952-920-2384


Full Circle Enneagram Training and Certification Instructor:  Anne Muree Friday, Saturday, and Sunday – October 17-19 and November 21-23, 2014 460 5th Avenue North, Hopkins, MN 55343 Full Circle Enneagram Training and Certification is a program for people who want to use the Enneagram professionally or deepen their understanding and application of the Enneagram for self-development.  The program will be experiential, confidence building, interactive, fun, safe and designed to meet each individual’s goals.  All of the skills will be modeled in these sessions. This training will include:

  • Understanding of the 9 Enneagram types and subtypes
  • Learning how the types relate to each other and how we get stuck in our type
  • Recognizing the 9 types, including a typing interview practicum and exemplar of each type
  • Using the Enneagram for personal development, awareness, and growth
  • Learning effective ways to work with each type one on one
  • Developing competence and confidence in teaching the Enneagram, including how to conduct type panels
  • A manual, bibliography, and a variety of usable handouts suitable for individuals or groups

Typing Practicum includes 5 hours of individual typing interview supervision – 50 Hours Total Cost:  $900 (Please mail $180 with your registration.  The remainder is to be paid at the first session.) To Register:  Please write a note including your name, address, phone, email, type/subtype (if known), reasons for taking the training, and something about yourself.  Mail this information with your Registration Fee to:  Anne Muree, 460 5th Ave N, Suite 240, Hopkins, MN 55343. For more information contact Anne Muree: or 952-933-1320 or visit Find us on Facebook

Copyright © 2014 MN-IEA. All rights reserved. If you are a MN-IEA member who has an event to promote, contact For general questions about MN-IEA: