Extra! Extra! – Read All About It! Information concerning proposal submission: 2015 IEA Conference


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IEA 2015 Conference – Proposal Submission Information

It is time to consider, plan, write and submit a proposal for the 2015 IEA Global Conference.

Some things to know:

There will be six sessions running concurrently and six total time slots – thirty-six (36) presentations total.  Larger rooms than 2014 are available for all sessions.

The 2015 conference theme is “Transformation and Change.”  Preconference Day will kick off this theme and one session in each conference time slot will be designated to address this theme in particular.  There will be two additional dedicated streams:  “Enneagram Applications” and “Research and Science.”   All other time slots will be categorized as “General Interest.”

When submitting your proposal, please indicate if you’d like for your presentation to be considered for one of the three dedicated streams.  This indication will not have an impact on proposal selection, but rather on how the presentations are slotted in the conference program.  If we have more proposals selected than will fit within a given stream, some will end up falling into the “General Interest” category rather than in a dedicated stream.

Helpful Hints:

Feedback received from the 2014 conference overwhelming mentioned experiential or interactive sessions as being more desirable.

Proposals offering something new, different or from a new perspective are preferred.

Proposal Selection Process and Criteria:

The conference proposal selection process includes a “blind” evaluation of each proposal by three “Readers.”  Readers have been carefully selected from our IEA membership based on a set of selection criteria.  They include established Enneagram authors, teachers, and prominent members of the IEA community who have committed to a process of a blind and objective review and evaluation of proposals.

The Readers will receive ONLY the “Objectives” and “Expanded Description” portions of proposal submissions.  (Those sections of the proposal should NOT contain information that identifies the presenter(s).)  Each Reader will review and rate proposals based on the following criteria:

  1. Clarity of Objectives: Degree to which the session objectives are clear and understandable. The objectives should provide a clear description of what participants can expect to experience from attending the session.
    Total possible points:  10
  2. Content:  Degree of robustness, depth, and richness of content. Details, practicality, and applicability. Credible new ideas and/or applications included.
    Total possible points:  40
  3. General Interest:  Degree to which the proposed presentation would appeal to the general conference audience.
    Total possible points:   10
  4. Existence and quality of experiential or interactive component.
    Total possible points:    15
  5. IEA Accredited Professional:  Yes
    Total possible points:   5

Once the proposals have been scored by the Readers, the selection team will award the final 20 points based on background information relevant to the proposed content, including but not limited to:  experience and research;   publications, if available; and available feedback from previous conferences. Consideration is given to first time presenters and those from outside the U.S.

Total possible points:   20

Proposal Submission Guidelines:  

All proposals will be made online using Survey Monkey. The format will include the following:

  • Background  Information:  your education and experience as it pertains to the proposal you are submitting.
  • BIO (50 word maximum):  Information about the presenter(s)
  • Description (200 word maximum):  Clear and concise description of the session.  This is the information that would appear in the Conference Program.
  • Presentation Objectives (25  words maximum: each): One or two clearly stated objectives:  what participants could expect to experience in this session.  This information will be included in what the Readers use for evaluating your proposal and should not identify the presenter(s) in any way.  (See full evaluation criteria above.)
  • Expanded Description (500 word maximum):  Full description of the proposed conference session.  This information will be included in what the Readers use for evaluating your proposal and should not identify the presenter(s) in any way.  (See full evaluation criteria above.)

Please – carefully check your word counts before submission!

The official “request for proposals” with submission link will be sent mid-September with deadline for proposal submission October 31, 2014.  You will be notified when we receive your completed proposal.  You will be notified of acceptance or rejection by December 31, 2014.

Contact me with questions: Kathryn.grant@internationalenneagram.org

This information will help you to begin to formulate your proposal.  Watch your email for the official “call.”  Thank you for your willingness to present – without you there would be no conference! Looking forward to seeing you at the Hyatt Regency Hotel – San Francisco Airport.  July 30 – August 2, 2015.

Best regards,

Kathryn Grant

2015 Conference Chair