Call for Presenters – IEA Latin American Enneagram Conference 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IEA-Logo-Standard-Tagline-RGBIEA Conference Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015

General Information for Presenters

IEA Latin American Enneagram Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 6 – 8 November 2015:

IEA Argentina is working to organize the next IEA Latin American, Spanish speaking, Enneagram Conference to be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 6 toLogo 8 November 2015. The headline for this Conference is “Camino de Aceptación y Convivencia” (The Path of Acceptance and Coexistence), and we are now in the process of planning the outline for the program and inviting presenters.

Workshops and Presentations / Categories and levels

The presentations will fall into the following categories:

  • Spirituality
  • Personal development (psychological, physical, educational), and community development
  • Coaching and Business Consulting

There will be three levels: All, Intermediate, and Advanced. We are looking for workshops that engage the audience with stimulating debates, dynamic presentation styles, and compelling methodology. Group participation and experiential exercises are encouraged. Presentations will last no more than 1.3 hrs.

The presentations will be in Spanish. There will also be presentations in English with simultaneous translation.


  •  Presenters should bring their own copies for the participants.

Things to bear in mind

  • This is a regional Conference open to the world but, as the time and space are limited, we cannot accept all of the proposals.
  • We want to offer a program with a wide variety of topics from high quality presenters from different countries.
  • The committee choosing presenters will be formed by members of several regions, all committed to satisfying the diversity of needs and interests of the audience.

What presenters should know

Presenters should be prepared to cover their own costs for flight, accommodation, and cost of the Conference. Conference fee for the presenters will be the same as Early Bird price and it must be paid within a period of 30 days after the proposal is accepted.

Applications and Timetable

If you are interested in giving a presentation (1.3 hrs) we would be glad to receive your application and your proposal.  Click Here for the Application. The submission deadline is February 28, 2015.

All applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the Conference Committee. If we need more information we will contact you by email. The deadline for final selection and the notifications for presenters is March 31, 2015.

If you have any question please email us at:

If the Conference Commission accepts your proposal for the II IEA Latin American Enneagram Conference organized by IEA Argentina, you should send us the following:

.       A current photograph in jpg format

.       A short professional biography (20-50 words)

.       A brief description of your presentation for the printed program (app.150 words)

Once signed, this agreement is to be considered binding and is not subject to alterations.

We hope that this Conference will offer a wide variety of perspectives from all around the world and let us live the Enneagram in the path of acceptation and global coexistence.

Thank you for your interest in presenting in the IEA Latin American Enneagram Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2015.