Meet the 2015 IEA Conference Presenters

How to Share the Enneagram with More People – Adelaida Harrison de Capdevielle Adelaida Harrison

Do you really believe the Enneagram has changed your life and could make the world a better place? If this is true… Why don’t we have long waiting lists for our conferences and workshops?

Maybe we are doing something wrong….

I want to share what we have done in our radio show that has changed the life of thousands of people. I want to share testimonies of people, what they want to learn, what they need, and their worries. I have seen that sharing is more important than teaching people, that you have to walk your talk, how we teach by interviewing ordinary people, the way we ask questions, the topics people are most interested in, that applications for daily life is what people need to see, etc. Come and learn how to do this in an easy to understand, yet powerful way.

I´ll talk of new and creative ways of spreading the Enneagram.

Participants will design their own show using the guide I have designed to make their video, radio show, or talk show a complete success.

But be carefull! You only get one chance with people. Come and learn how to take advantage of that opportunity and not ruin it.

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