IEA Enneagram Journal

141123_IEA Rebrand_logos copyIEA Enneagram Journal – Call for Papers

Submission Deadline is February 28, 2015

The Enneagram Journal is a peer-review journal, produced by the International Enneagram Association, that features the latest and best in Enneagram writing, theory, and research. It also contains interviews with Enneagram experts, book reviews, and space for dialogue and commentary on previously published articles.

Its purpose is twofold:

  • to promote high-quality, original work in Enneagram theory, research, and applications and
  • to provide a forum for constructive dialogue and discussion about Enneagram-related topics.

The Enneagram Journal is issued in July. The rest of this article outlines the author and submission guidelines and the review process. Articles for the 2015 issue must be submitted by February 28, 2015.

Guidelines for authors

The editors welcome manuscripts pertaining to Enneagram work, including original research, and theoretical or critical pieces in the areas of spirituality, psychology and psychotherapy, business applications, the arts, education, health care, and innovative applications. They invite all voices and points of view within the Enneagram community and preserve high intellectual standards within the context of a lively, creative, interchange.

All articles are evaluated according to academic rigor and adherence to scientific method (where appropriate), originality, quality of thinking and writing, coherence, contribution to the community, and ethical presentation.  Ordinarily (unless a compelling argument is made), data-based or text-based research articles must follow specific method-dependent guidelines.

Quantitative manuscripts should adhere to conventions and report appropriate statistics. Qualitative research should articulate the standards used to assure the quality and verification of the interpretation presented.

In addition, research articles are evaluated according to academic rigor and adherence to scientific method (where appropriate).

All submissions should include source citations and a bibliography or reference section.

Authors are obliged to identify any use or incorporation of any material subject to any third-party copyright upon submission of the manuscript and to obtain licensing or other permission necessary for publication of any incorporated third-party copyrighted material in the Enneagram Journal.

Copyright for original works accepted and published in the Enneagram Journal resides with the International Enneagram Association. The IEA reserves the right to issue individual articles as reprints. Authors are, of course, free to continue to use the ideas and concepts contained in the article in other formats. However, they may not start reprinting or selling the journal article itself.

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts must not have been published elsewhere in a peer review journal or be currently under consideration for any other publication.

Please submit by email to the following:

  • copy of the manuscript as a MS Word document.
  • separate title page with authors’ contact information and biography in a MS Word document.  

Since manuscripts are evaluated by blind review, author identification must be removed from all pages except the title page, which is retained by the editor.

Articles should be no longer than 6000 words, including references in APA format (see the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association for this), appendices, endnotes, tables, and figures. Book reviews should be no longer than 1500 words. Longer articles may be considered at the discretion of the editor.

The final deadline for the 2015 issue is February 28, 2015.

About the Review Process

Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by up to three referees. The main criteria are originality of content, adherence to high ethical standards in the treatment and communication of the Enneagram, and style.

Publication of any submissions is at the discretion of the Enneagram Journal editorial board. In most cases, authors can expect one of the following three decisions within 2 months of the submission deadline:

  • Accepted for publication
  • Accepted, subject to improvement The authors receive concrete suggestions on aspects of the paper they need to improve, before it can be considered for publication
  • Rejected In this case the authors also receive the reviewers reasoning, so that they can learn and improve their articles.

Since one purpose of the Enneagram Journal is to foster interesting and productive discourse, the editorial board also reserves the right to publish commentaries on published manuscripts in the same or subsequent issues or in online forums.   The editor reviews any major changes with the authors before going to press.