Letter from the IEA President


Since writing last, I’ve had the opportunity to experience not one, but two IEA Conferences – the IEA Global Conference in San Francisco and the IEA European Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.  True to the three pillars of the IEA mission, both offered rich opportunities for engagement, education, and certainly reflected excellence.  As I’ve mentioned before, one of the things I most love about IEA conferences is seeing and reconnecting with so many dear people that I’ve met over the years and watching others do the same.  I also love meeting and connecting with new people which happened for me at both conferences.  Thank you to the people who worked so hard to make each of these events happen, and to the presenters, and to the attendees.

The 2015 IEA Global Conference was comprised of over 300 attendees from 6 continents (wonder if we can find someone doing Enneagram work in Antarctica?) and 25 countries.  Each session offered opportunities for rich and rewarding experiences and learning.  During the conference opening I asked people who were attending their first IEA conference to stand, and I was thrilled and amazed at how many were there for the first time!

2015 Global Conf

The 2015 IEA European Conference was also impressive with 168 attendees from 6 continents, and 22 countries.  Congratulations to IEA Denmark, IEA Sweden, IEA Norway, and IEA Finland for demonstrating how we are “Crossing Borders” (the theme of the IEA European Conference) and coming together to jointly host what was a fabulous IEA European Conference experience.

2015 European Conf

Plans for the 2016 IEA Global Conference are already well underway.  We’ll be gathering next year in downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota July 22-24 with Pre-Conference Day on July 21.  Minneapolis is a beautiful city in a beautiful part of the US as is shown here:  Minneapolis Video.

We will be carrying the thread from this year’s conference theme of Transformation and Change into next year’s conference where the theme will be Conversations that Transform.   The invitation for presenters is going out now and we look forward to being able to offer new and different session opportunities.  So mark your calendar now and plan to attend!

Latin America Conf logo.

Your IEA Global Board continues to work hard on many other IEA initiatives in support of you, our membership.  We had a very productive two-day meeting prior to the conference in San Francisco to discuss our existing initiatives (always testing them against our mission of supporting our membership) and to plan our organization’s path forward.  I’m very proud of the team we have and honored to be working with such dedicated people.  In future communication, I’ll be providing more information about some of the other work we’re doing.  Our ears are open for your feedback and suggestions so feel free to contact me or any of your IEA Board Members.


Lynda Roberts

President, IEA Board of Directors