News from the IEA Argentina Affiliate

News from the IEA Argentina Affiliate

We begin with our classic “Conversando el Eneagrama” in March 2016. In English it would be “Enneagram Conversations”, a monthly meeting in which we discuss a previously selected article.  This time we will talk about an article about wings from The Spiritual Dimension of the Enneagram by Sandra Maitri. There is no teacher nor student in the meeting. The interaction is horizontal. It doesn´t matter if people don’t know the Enneagram. We encourage people to engage and explore this wonderful Wisdom. This activity is free for members. This activity happens not only in Buenos Aires but also in the province of Córdoba and in the province Mendoza. We plan to expand this practice in our Countrywide Enneagram Plan for 2016.

Flyer conversando marzo

We are also planning a meeting that will be lead by Priest Andres Tocalini on April 23. Andre Tocalini is a priest, psychologist, and educator. He will lead a meeting and activities for educators on the 23rd of April. We are working to encourage educators to use the Enneagram in schools and Universities.

And in August, 2016, we are planning a national Enneagram Meeting in the province of Cordoba to encourage people who work with the Enneagram to present their work and be part of our community.

To contact the IEA Argentina Affiliate: