Summary of a 2016 IEA Conference Workshop – The Undivided Self: A Lively Conversation about the Transformative Power of Releasing Beliefs that Bind Us

Hello!  I will be offering a fun, innovative workshop called, “The Undivided Self: A Lively Conversation about the Transformative Power of Releasing Beliefs that Bind Us”, based on the discoveries of F. M. Alexander about reactivity and how it is expressed in the whole self.

We will look at core values of Enneagram type structures to discover how they show up as beliefs that bind us and translate into muscular tension.  We will explore Alexander’s discoveries about the reactive patterns that express in the relationship of the head and spine, interfering with coordination and expressing our inner state. We will learn simple body mapping that reveals common misuse of the self.  Through group discussion, mind-body awareness activities, hands-on demonstration and imaginative movement we will work with habits of thinking and doing to release tension and restore effortless movement and clarity.

Karen DeHart