Letter from the President

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In a way it seems ages ago, and in a way it seems like yesterday – the 2016 IEA Global Conference in Minneapolis, Minnesota, that is.  One of the reasons it seems like yesterday is that I’m listening to the conference recordings as I drive about town and so enjoying them.  (If you’ve not yet gotten recordings from the conference, you can still do so at Conference Recordings.)  One of the things that strikes me as I listen is the degree to which our conference theme, Conversations that Transform, was carried throughout the conference sessions.  I’m appreciating the presenters and the richness of the experiences they facilitated in their sessions and the conversations that took place.  I find myself smiling and my heart filled with feelings of connection, gratitude, and compassion as I hear the participants speaking and sharing (recognizing many of the voices) during the sessions.

In addition to the high quality conference session presentations, The Pre-Conference Day with Russ, Mario and Jack and with Bart Wendell and Earl Wagner facilitating, our substitute Keynote speaker, Sylvia Haskvitz (Jean Morrison was delayed due to airline issues), and our closing Dances of Universal Peace led by Timothy Dobson were highlights of the weekend.  The Saturday morning panels were fantastic with powerful conversations around the three different panel themes.  And, of course, the parties, which were lively and fun.

It was wonderful to have so many first time conference attendees.  The atmosphere was full of warmth, openness, receptivity, curiosity, enthusiasm, and fun, with a sense of everyone’s dedication to and sincere desire for learning, sharing, and having meaningful conversations.

THANK YOU to all who participated in any way!  A special “thank you” to Kathryn Grant, the IEA Conference Chair, Sandy Hatmaker and her staff, and to the IEA Board members who served as wonderful ambassadors.

Mark your calendars now for the 2017 IEA Global Conference which will take place in San Antonio, Texas, USA July 21-23, 2017 with a Pre-Conference Day on Thursday, July 20th.  Plans for next year’s conference are well underway with some exciting and different opportunities you won’t want to miss.  We will be continuing our theme of Transformation with “Practices that Transform.”  So be on the lookout for more information and plan to join us!

With a warm heart and much gratitude,



Lynda Roberts, President, IEA Board of Directors