The Conscious Process: Feedback

Communication loops are necessary to provide feedback within an organization between individuals, involving a critical assessment of an individual’s behavior or performance, both verbal and nonverbal.

Feedback is clear, concise, direct, objective, and an unemotional information that is provided to enhance the individual, team or organization.

Over the next article we will discuss how each Enneagram Type processes Feedback within the context of: Enneagram Type Giving Feedback to others and Others Giving Feedback to Each Enneagram Type.

Enneagram Type 1

Type 1 giving feedback to others:

When giving feedback be aware of the desire to have things “prefect.” Recognize critical tone judgments, black and white options, and intensity of energy. Be mindful of strict internal standards being applied to others, modulate anger, resentment, blaming, and self-justification.

Others giving feedback to Type 1:

Be as nonjudgmental as possible. Give clear, specific, and  situational information with examples. Be aware that this individual will self-correct once there is an understanding of the issue. Make sure that the feedback is fair and non-blaming, while acknowledging the high sense of responsibility and integrity of this type. Be prepared for intensity.

Enneagram Type 2

Type 2 giving feedback to others:

When giving feedback recognize the tendency to seduce, rather than clearly state your needs, desires, and wants. Utilize skills of supportiveness, appreciativeness, and helpfulness to deliver feedback. Learn to say no without anticipating rejection  Be aware the others may know themselves better than you know them.

Others giving feedback to Type 2:

Encourage this type to recognize personal needs and the ability to say no. Be appreciative of the effort put forth, acknowledging feelings and the desire to be indespensable. Be on the lookout for accusations, crying, emotional outbursts, and intensity if this type feels rejected and dismissed.

Enneagram Type 3

Type 3 giving feedback to others:

Slow down, connect, and focus on the individual only. Be receptive and listening, not doing. Be aware of others’ emotions, not just the task at hand. Be patient and understanding, using full explanations. Check to make sure that the other completely understands.

Others giving feedback to Type 3:

Value the person instead of accomplishments or successes. Require connection and full attention when speaking with the doers. Acknowledge achievements, competence, and hard work. Be prepared to experience irritability, impatience, and inability to stop doing.

Enneagram Type 4

Enneagram 4 giving feedback to others:

Avoid self-referencing, emotionally laden, or intense feedback. Offer sensitivity, creativity, and introspective informational assessments of the situation. Acknowledge what is present rather than what is missing. Speak to the authentic aspect of others.

Others giving feedback to type 4:

When giving feedback be aware of the feelings, idealism and sensibility o this type. Allow for an authentic expression without attempting to change or control. Recognize that this type frequently feels misunderstood, so check in to make sure you have a clear understanding of what’s transpiring in the conversation. Fierce passionate, and intense responses can be expected. 

Enneagram Type 5

Type 5 giving feedback to others:

Being aware of the need to isolate and withdraw, embrace the challenge to be more engaged in the conversation with others. Be expansive and expressive about the observations that have been made, using more words, not less. Give concrete examples that involve thoughts, feelings and sensations. Take an action and encourage collaboration when possible. Be willing to share personal information in order to create greater connection.

Others giving feedback to Type 5:

Be aware of the Sage’s need for space and privacy. Engage this type by making requests rather than demands. Invite this type out by asking questions about thoughts and feelings. This type has a propensity to withdraw, isolate and compartmentalize. Be careful not to overwhelm this type with feelings and emotions. Provide clear, concise, and objective data.

Enneagram Type 6

Type 6 giving feedback to others:

Have faith that what you are communicating is correct. Questioning and doubting self are unnecessary. Certainty regarding thoughts, feelings and needs and how to portray them is actually a roadblock to communicating effectively. Be cautious about sarcasm, accusations and defensive interactions, being careful to take personal responsibility for the Feedback that you are providing. Access your own authority.

Others giving feedback to type 6:

When giving Feedback to this type remember that fear lies at the core of this type. The Questioner has a great deal of internal pressure regarding responsibility, safety and security; Be aware of these issues. Do not give Type 6 a “Heads up” about Feedback to come as this creates undue stress, fear and worst-case scenario imagination spinning. The phobic 6 may need time to process information and feedback given. The counterphobic 6 may defend and pushback against the Feedback given.

Enneagram Type 7

Type 7 giving feedback to others:

When giving Feedback to others be mindful to move slowly from one thing to another. Practice offering one piece of information at a time, sticking with objective observations that are not self-referencing. Utilize optimism and positive reframing to deliver difficult Feedback. Stay on task in the communication even if pain or conflict arises. Appreciate and comment on other’s feelings, concerns, thoughts and needs.

Others giving feedback to Type 7:

In giving Feedback to the Adventurer, be aware that this type needs to be encouraged to slow down, stay focused, and to stick with the information at hand. Provide conflictual or difficult Feedback directly, allowing for minimal positive reframing by this Type. If necessary, repeat conflictual or difficult information, checking to see that Type 7 understands. Provide time and space necessary to assist this Type in dealing with feelings of pain and fear that may arise.

Enneagram Type 8

Type 8 giving feedback to others:

The Defender needs to be acutely aware of the intensity of energy that can be used in communicating Feedback. Remember to soften the delivery of objective observations by asking others about feelings, thoughts and perceived truths. Do not give Feedback until anger has been addressed and can be set aside. Be willing to address insecurities and vulnerabilities of self and others. Work for a compromise and a win/win solution.

Others giving feedback to Type 8:

Giving Feedback to type 8 requires clear, direct, truthful, and non-manipulative communication. Speak directly to the issue at hand, outlining desired changes that are required or requested. Remember to stand your ground with firm, positive, and non-blaming statements. Check with the Defender regarding any feelings that may arise. Be prepared for intense push back.

Enneagram Type 9

Type 9 giving feedback to others:

The Moderator needs to be aware of prioritizing exactly what needs to be addressed. Be careful not to dilute the message with story-telling or nonessential information. Because Type 9 has difficulty with conflict, be prepared to stand firm the communication being delivered. When communicating, be aware of your own agenda and avoid taking care of or over-empathizing with the other.

Others giving feedback to Type 9:

When giving feedback to the Moderator, be aware that conflict causes discomfort and sometimes avoidance. Be specific in setting tasks and agendas, while making priorities and guidelines clear. Encourage the Moderator to express feelings, especially anger if applicable. Type 9 often feels unimportant and unseen, therefore, solicit Type 9’s input, opinion and understanding of what is being communicated.

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