The Enneagram for Children. A series of books designed to introduce the Enneagram Types to young children.

My children have benefited enormously from the Enneagram teachings. As a result, I wanted other children to be able to enjoy the same opportunity. Finding nothing available, I felt inspired to use both my writing and artistic skills to create a series of Enneagram books for children. (I’ve written 27 books to date and painted several 1 000 paintings.)  The challenge was to synthesize each Types path into an accessible, fun, age appropriate form. Thus, the Ennea Kids’ Series was born. I’m currently working on the 6th book, Arthur Artsy (4)—Percy Perfect (1), Hazel Helper (2), Sally Star (3), Sebastian Study (4) and Felix Fun (7) are available from Amazon in paperback and e-books.

The intention is not to type children, but rather to allow them to understand that people do differ and to be accepting of those differences. Where I live in South Africa particularity, there is much work to be done in this area, as races, genders and tribes, struggle to accept and understand each other. As a result, I’m starting to introduce the books into schools as a step towards healing divides and, as part of a program to work with teachers in developing their skills. Its early days, but I do believe that the books are a good start.

As well as accepting others, my intention is to help children reach a greater degree of self-awareness and self-love, as they see snippets of themselves in the Nine Types. The names, although specifying gender, from an illustrative perspective are free, I believe of any racial prejudice or stereotyping. Consequently all children should be able to relate to them. Touches of humor make the shared reading experience more fun for parents and educators.

Suggested ages are 3-8 years.

Reviews to date have been kind:

“This is a fun easy way to be introduced to the Enneagram types. I can’t wait to read the next one.”

“I loved reading this story! I enjoyed how the author and illustrator were able to convey the emotions of the character through certain words, alliteration, and pictures. I laughed throughout the book as the author talked about made-up places like “Yallnevegettherealive”! I know that children will enjoy this book, as well as parents. I actually learned something new by reading it! I had never heard of an Enneagram before, now I’m convinced that I am a Type 2!”

The books available from Amazon in paperback and e-books.