Introduction: In today's competitive business environment, effective leadership is not just about making strategic decisions and driving financial success; it's also about understanding the diverse personalities that make up a…
The Enneagram, traditionally conceived as a map of nine distinct personalities, has served for decades as a tool for self-knowledge and personal development. However, the notion of pigeonholing individuals into…
Recently, I saw an online meme saying: “The opposite of judgement is understanding.” And someone commented, “What about acceptance?”, to which the poster replied, “I can understand…
We hear A LOT of opinions about the arrows, a k a the inner lines, of the Enneagram. According to some opinions, the specific directions of stress and integration are…
The Raw Childhood Imprints of the Type Two Marianna, a sensitive Type Two, is drowning in the darkness of her hellish childhood—terrified of her father, terrified of her grandfather. When…
Re the Enneagram There is an organization called The Flat Earth Society that still exists, with a circle of members surrounding the globe. Through its literature and online presence, it…
P.D. Ouspensky, author of In Search of the Miraculous, wrote that in the 1920s he saw a floor layout suggesting that George Gurdjieff, discoverer of the Enneagram, was exploring the…
For more than 800 years Western universities have successfully built specialized disciplines based on empirical and deductive reasoning in the Aristotelian tradition, which has eclipsed the exercise of speculative…
Fall Greetings! Our September Newsletter is from Enneagram Author and IEA/Great Lakes President Clare Loughrige. We hope you enjoy a small sample of her work with Harmony Triads and Transformation.…
We hope you are enjoying the lazy days of summer but can include a 50 minute life-giving and impacting, E-experience! At our Midday Cafe we welcomed Milton Stewart, MBA.
The Enneagram: The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander While the topic of bullying has received much attention, the enneagram adds understanding to some of the dynamics in this painful…
The ancient Pythagorean philosophers of southern Italy—back in the 6th century BC—were very clear about the importance of ‘measure’ as a condition of harmony, and that in a very concrete…
Ambos sistemas holísticos, el Eneagrama y los Chakras, tienen en común que son, de hecho, “mapas” de la evolución de la conciencia, o dicho de otro modo, esquemas generales del…