Vestibulum arcu ligula, egestas sit amet arcu ligula arcu ligulami
Mauris euismod mi ut sapien sodales, eget pretium nulla tempus. Proin ac volutpat arcu. Donec eros, eu viverra nisi vehicula ut.
Phasellus pellentesque hendrerit pellentesque. Nullam ultrices
Aliquam eleifend leo at ex tempor, et bibendum leo fringilla. Quisque aliquam scelerisque ligula at congue. Suspendisse orci ex, feugiat nec in.
Bridging Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Enneagram
In the world of psychology and Self-development, Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and Enneagram stand as two powerful frameworks…Enneagram "may in fact have a neurobiological basis...
there may be a biological truth beneath this fascinating system" [1].
Daniel J. Siegel, MD,
…Subscribe to our mailing list “No matter what type we are, we can observe the following about Inner Work: ‘Work on ourselves proceeds layer by layer, from the most external forms of…
It have been impossible to add the images in the article, so we recommend to go to this link to read it.
By Cris Bolívar (April’21)…