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Accredited Master Trainer Training Program with Master of Science in Psychology Program

Based In: United States

Accredited Instructors:
  • Lam Joseph Kashun
Training Program Description:

Hong Kong, China.

This program is sponsored by: IEA Accredited Professional Dr. Joseph Lam and Accredited Enneagram School: Professional School of Enneagram.

This program is taught in multiple events: 60 days, 145 hours.

This program is offered 4 times a year (Intake: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec)

The Program is Divided into 4 Segments:

Segment 1: Fundamental EnneaPsychology Training Certificate

Module 1: the 3 Intelligence Centers

Module 2: the Unconscious World Perception, Passion, and Desires for each EnneaType

Module 3: from Psychoanalytic Theories to Understand the 3 Subtypes Theories for each EnneaType

Module 4: Paranoid-Schzoid Position vs. Depressive Position, Ego Defense Theories, and Personal Growth Theories for each EnneaType

Segment 2: Advance EnneaPsychology Training Certificate

Module 1: the Other Darkside for each EnneaType

Module 2: Temperaments Theories, and Personality Disorder Theories for each EnneaType

Module 3: Basic EnneaType Personality Assessment Skills System Training

Segment 3: Accredited EnneaPsychology Trainer Training

Module 1: Application of EnneaPsychology Theories into Different Fields of Corporate Training

Module 2: Advance EnneaType Personality Assessment Skills System Training

Module 3: Practicum and Internship for Being Professional Enneagram Trainer Qualification

This phase of the course focuses on internships. Students must first complete a all of the above mentioned course and then select other seniorly-accredited Nine Mentors provided by the College. In the future, the nine-person personal character assessment and training internship supervision, and each senior tutor to supervise and evaluate the students, the trainees need to be responsible for the cost of their senior tutors, each time. Participants are required to complete a minimum of 14 different personal personality assessment services for different types of people, and then approved by their senior tutors; when completing these 14 assessments, students will need to pass the 15th personal assessment assessed by Dr. Joseph Lam. After passing the examination, the trainees can continue to enter the third stage of the approved nine-type practicing instructor.

In addition, the focus of this stage is through the teaching of short-term simple nine-type personality courses of not less than three times. The College believes that the students have experienced the first and second stages of the overall curriculum. After that, the qualifications and knowledge level of the nine types of psychology have definitely reached the professional level. Therefore, the evaluation method is to teach the short-term simple nine-type personality course through not less than three times, and the third teaching session will be reviewed by Dr. Joseph Lam on-site to evaluate the teaching process. Upon completion of this assessment and the approval of Dr, the student can formally become a professional practice instructor recognized by the International Type 9 Personality Association (US General Association). For details, please contact colleagues at the College

This program provides is a part of a series of events providing a comprehensive Enneagram education.

Interactive Components:

There is Facebook Private Ineractive Learning Groups to support students in answering questions as a weekly Q&A sessions is provided.

There is Facebook Page to support students to further understanding in-depth Enneagram knowledge

AMETTP Alumni are set up