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Enneagram Psychotherapist- EPT Education

Sponsored By AES: Danmarks EnneagramSkole®

Based In: Randers C 8900 Denmark

Accredited Instructors:
  • Helen H Nielsen
  • Helena Protopapas
Training Program Description:

Program Structure:
The program comprises 22 modules – including exam and certification.

Each module lasts two days.

There is approx. 1 month between the modules.

Students are expected to train in groups approx. 4 hours between each module. 30 hours of self-therapy and reflection is required.

The course (22 modules of 16 hours, 66 days) = 352 hours + 20 training sessions of 3 hours = 60 hours + 30 hours self-therapy and reflection + 40 logged sessions of Enneagram change work = 40 hours.

In all 600 hours incl. written assignments.

Location: Denmark's Enneagram School, 8900 Randers C.
Program spans two years and is offered every 2 years

There are pre-requisites:

To participate in this graduate program, you must be a certified Enneagram Master Practitioner.

The two-year graduate program is a supplement to the EMP course, enabling students to specialize in the psychology of the Enneagram and its esoteric knowledge.

This program provides a comprehensive Enneagram education.

Certificate of Completion if opting out of the Examination and Certification Module

Enneagram Psycho Practitioner Certification upon successful completion of Training Program including the Examination and Certification Module.

This program has fieldwork/assessment of mastery:

Examination and Certification module comprises:

1) a written examination of 5 hours duration;
2) a 30 minute verbal examination;
3) a practical task working with change which takes 90 minutes;
4) A written group assignment focusing on Enneagram in psycho practice, comprising no less than 50 pages. The group must be able to present their project in a Q&A session of 90 min. duration. This assignment will be completed during the course and handed in no less than 3 weeks prior to certification.

A log book of 40, 60 min. Enneagram psycho practice sessions must be recorded and handed in. Many of the self-therapy sessions, that you must complete as part of the course, are included in the modules, where self-therapy and reflection are an integral part of the teaching process. In addition to this, each student must complete 30 hours of self-therapy and reflection before certification.

The exam and certification module are optional. If the student opts for the certification module and passes all parts of the examination, he/she will receive a certificate and an authorisation as Enneagram Psycho Practitioner.