10 Events|30 Days|180 hours
The Master of Enneagram and Relational Intelligence is a certification design accredited with the self-knowledge model called Enneagram that has multiple interpretations. These are 10 modules and 6 optional in which, through the experience of 15 professors accredited by the International Association of Enneagram, a wide and diverse information is offered where practically all the Enneagram Schools are represented. The Master being an Accredited School, the difference is essentially to train free-thinkers to create their own proposal without the need to join any. The Master has the double perspective of being able to do a deep and effective work of personal and relational development on the one hand, and on the other hand to find a new life to put oneself at the service of others.
The Master is also open to those who want to study loose modules, without any commitment to the Master.
Before being able to formalize the registration, the candidate must carry out a previous telephone interview and send a CV for review by the Admissions Committee, which will study the application within a maximum period of 3 days.
A certification diploma awarded by the International Enneagram Development Institute is given, once the exam and a job have finished 180 hours.
The certification would be obtained with an evaluation (exam) of the totality of the training
received as well as a field work (memory) on their practical learning.
Yes, 6 modules are offered during the three years of internship as professionals to obtain
Continuing Education Hours and tutorials to clarify possible doubts and supervise their
professional practice.