- Heather Brown
By the end of the Foundation Program you will:
- Deepen your knowledge of and insight into the psychology of the nine types, and explore your own pattersn
- Deepen your understanding and experience of the 3 core instincts: how they show up in Enneagram patterns as subtypes and in everyday life
- Learn about the nine defense mechanisms and patterns of reactive behavior
- Experience a 3 centered approach to inner work, including body work and somatic approaches
- Identify how you can gain resources and wisdom from other type spaces
- Deepen your understanding of the vertical journey and transformative work - (virtues, holy ideas, true self, vice to virtue transformation)
- Explore practices to help you relax your defense system and enable your higher qualities to appear
- Take part in and witness growth panels around the Defense Mechanisms, Subtypes, Virtues and Holy Ideas, known as the Higher States
Approach - Key principles for participants, facilitators and coaches
- Being centered and grounded in the present moment
- Having an open, receptive, compassionate heart
- Having an open, receptive, and non-judging mind
- Being curious
- Expecting to learn and benefit
- Being motivated to make the necessary effort to learn
This program is offered once a year.
Hillscourt Conference Centre, Rednal Birmingham, UK
There are no prerequisites for the Intensive and Instincts/Subtypes (apart from knowing your type). In order to attend Deepening Spiritual Awareness you must have completed the Intensive Growth Journey, as DSA follows on from it.