World Enneagram Day
Facilitated By:
  • Anne Geary
  • Sam E. Greenberg
Started:  Sat May 27, 2023 11:00 AM ET 04:00 PM ETVenue Name: 

Event description

World Enneagram Day is a yearly celebration on the last Saturday in May. It is a day dedicated to promoting the Enneagram around the world and raising awareness of this powerful model. It is open to the whole of the Enneagram community ~ any lineage or tradition, any language, any culture, and any age. We are all welcome to be inspired by the sharing and to take that heart message to our connections.

IEA Global will host a special FREE virtual World Enneagram Day event on May 27, 2023 at 11:00 am EDT. We will be led by IEA Accredited teachers who have been selected to present at the IEA Global Conference in July this year. These accredited teachers will provide a 30-minute glimpse of the topics they will elaborate on at the conference. These accredited professionals will bring a wealth of knowledge, passion and vibrant energies to your Enneagram journey. Check out more details below about these incredible teachers and their presentations.

In addition to IEA Global’s special event, every year we encourage individuals and groups around the world to think about what they might do to cultivate an awareness of the Enneagram and introduce it to their communities. In the past, individuals and groups have hosted different types of free events, workshops, forums, discussions, and social celebrations.

Don’t miss this special online event celebrating the Enneagram! We are expecting 1000 people worldwide! Register Now!