9 Types in Literature, Film & Community: Online

Now In Our 9th Year...

Presented By:
  • Dale Rhodes, M.S., M.A.
Mon Sep 23, 2024


Exploring The 9 Points of View in Literature, ​Film ​​& Community
The Nine Online: 2024-2025
Now in its 9th consecutive year, this online membership program explores themes described in the Nine Points of View using an exemplary novel or film as our focus. A large group evening teaching and type-panel is followed by smaller in-depth explorations on the Nine Types using specific literature and film to enhance our understanding of ourselves and others. The character study may offer insight into an Enneagram type's values, general life themes, or show areas of attention, motivations and life themes, vice to virtue shifts, or paths to disintegration and development.  Because we have all points of view available to us, most participants find something relevant, moving and meaningful to examine in their own lives each month. You may find better understanding of your own personal development, as well as your relationships and interactions amongst groups. 

Well-beyond the simplicity of "What is this character's type?", members of this community ask the deeper questions on meaning that are found when encountering good art, film and literature. Get deeper understanding of the types and how you can better relate to their ways of being. Discover what The Enneagram points to: Universal Themes which are accessible and applicable to us all on the human journey. And best: Expand your community of friends who talk type, character development, meaning, literature, film and the arts. 

We believe that deep learning and change happens over time in a continuous supportive learning community.  This is a tried and true community exploration on The Humanities, using the Enneagram as its map and direction. The map of The Enneagram and experience with the arts can deepen our understanding of universal life themes and meaningful existence.  Join for this and all the other benefits of community membership. Every month you will find something worthwhile!  

That is part of the beauty of all literature...
You discover that your longings are universal longings,
that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone.
You belong.  (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
Facilitator:  Dale Rhodes, M.S., M.A. (Spectrum, Narrative, Changeworks, MBTI): DaleRhodes.com 

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