online Fri Aug 01, 2003 - Sun Aug 03, 2003
online 2003 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Judith Searle, Barbara Babcock, George Melrod, Mirtha Vega,

The Enneagram is becoming an important resource for actors, writers, directors and others in the entertainment industry. In this panel discussion, entertainment industry professionals describe the various ways they use the Enneagram in their work and explore ways knowledge of the system could benefit others in the field.

Judith Searle, a longtime member of the Screen Actors Guild and the Writers Guild of America, teaches Enneagram seminars for entertainment industry professionals. She is the author of The Literary Enneagram: Characters from the Inside Out and

Getting the Part, a book for actors. Barbara Babcock, Emmy Award winner for “Hill Street Blues,” has had a long career in television, film, and theatre. Her four courses with Helen Palmer have helped her in a wide range of character roles. George Melrod is a screenwriter and art critic who moved to LA from New York in 1998. He has a computer-animated comedy about pigeons due to be released by Disney in December 2004. Cuban director/writer/producer Mirtha Vega’s debut feature “Tryst” won the Best Thriller award in February 2003 at the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival’s LA event.