online Fri Aug 06, 2004 - Sun Aug 08, 2004
online 2004 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: David Daniels,

Anger is an incredibly constructive or destructive force in our lives. It can be used for the conversion of energy to our best self or tear our relationships apart. What is anger’s function in our lives? What causes it or drives it? And most importantly how can we use anger in our psychological and spiritual development? This workshop explores these crucial issues and provides ways to befriend, understand, and work constructively with each type’s anger issues. Participants can expect to change their relationship to anger, understand each type’s anger responses, and gain heightened inner freedom and calm. The workshop will use lecture, inner practice, practical exercises, panel work, and discussion.

David Daniels, clinical professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University, co-founded and teaches the Enneagram Professional Training Program in the Narrative Tradition. His experience includes individual and group dynamics, couples therapy, and clinical applications of the Enneagram. He co-authored Violence and the Struggle for Existence (Little Brown, 1970) that addressed issues in human violence and aggression.