online Thu Jul 31, 2008 - Mon Aug 03, 2009
online 2008 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Leonard Carr,

The perspective that will be demonstrated in this workshop has at its centre the belief in personal agency, free-choice, and the responsibilities and accountability inherent in these notions in the shaping of our psychic lives.

Anyone who wishes to lead a truly fulfilling life must assume primary responsibility for their own self-awareness. This means taking an active role in the shaping and crafting of personal awareness. It means cultivating an understanding that it is the individual who is responsible for his or her own psychological and spiritual development and the realization of the highest potential inherent in our humanity.

In this workshop participants will discover through exploring their own narratives, viewed through the lenses of Enneagram themes, the transformative power of their own inner wisdom.

Leonard Carr is a clinical psychologist who has over 25 years’ experience in counseling in diverse lay-voluntary and professional settings. He has provided ongoing training and individual and group case consultation to many welfare and counseling organizations. As an expert witness he has presented findings in the courts of South Africa, including the Constitutional Court, and has reports accepted by courts in many countries. He has served on commissions of enquiry and taken part in public interest lobbies. He has done advanced training in Narrative Therapy with Michael White, is certified in Spiral Dynamics and has completed the Integral Leader Program at Ken Wilber’s Integral Institute. He runs growth courses and workshops based on his model which is called the Psychology of Self-Creation. He is a consultant to international corporate organizations as well as to South African government and NGO’s. Well-known as a local and international speaker and workshop presenter, he has appeared on national and international television and radio. His own regular show called “The Soulfulness of Everyday Life”on Infusion Radio ( was featured on Infusion Radio the World Space Satellite Radio Network. His other series include therapeutic children’s stories designed to teach the Enneagram concepts to young children and programs for relationship preparation and enrichment. He has a weekly column on psychological matters in the (South African) Times daily newspaper. Leonard is married to Rachael and has five sons His personal motto is: Service through self-expression and self-expression through service.