online Fri Jul 31, 2009 - Sun Aug 02, 2009
online 2009 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Uranio Paes,

With case studies, practical examples and new approaches, this presentation aims to answer the following questions:

How can the Enneagram be used in organizations as a tool that goes beyond the more usual applications?

What is “conscious business” in terms of the Enneagram and growth work?

How is the dimension of individual transformation included in business transformation approaches?

What does it mean to be a “conscious professional” in organizations in terms of the Enneagram and growth work?

Uranio Paes and his team have been developing Enneagram – based trainings programs, consulting projects and coaching services for over 8,000 professionals from 50 leading Brazilian and Latin American organizations.

Uranio teaches Palmer/Daniels’ training program, the EPTP, in Brazil and in Spain. Uranio is also the current President of the IEA Global. Contact information: ; IEA Accredited Teacher. 13