online Fri Jul 31, 2015 - Sun Aug 02, 2015
online 2015 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Howard Avruhm Addison,

George Kelly’s Personal Construct Theory of Psychology asserts that we humans develop sets of mental representations to view reality, predict and anticipate events. If a “Personal Construct” proves ineffective, one can shift to a construct that more accurately reflects the situation and predicts its outcome. In Kelly’s terms the Enneagram personality styles would be nine different but related hierarchies of constructs. We too counsel those whose habitual type patterns prove counterproductive to shift to more effective constructs of other types. However, how do we determine which style’s strategy to choose: guess? hunch? trial and error? Or might our dreams give us clues towards which type “constructs” we need to shift? By calling upon the insights of modern psychology, contemporary neuro – science and the wisdom of the Enneagram we will strive to identify the type biases of our dream egos and identify those shadow and complementary energies that our dreams are calling us to acknowledge and embrace. Through Dream Mapping, Active Imagination and a participating in a model Dream Group we will explore how we can better understand our dreams and their invitations to expand our vision and widen our range of potential responses to the challenges and opportunities of life.

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