online Fri Jul 20, 2018 - Sun Jul 22, 2018
online 2018 IEA Global Conference
Presented By: Ron Esposito,

The presentation is an introduction to the Virtues and their experience in our daily life. Participants can expect to experience a heart-centered approach to the material and a supportive atmosphere for sharing, contemplation and noticing what is arising within. The presentation features a talk introducing the Virtues with small group discussion, dyads, journaling and a compassion exercise concluding with a Tibetan and crystal singing bowls meditation. Attendee participation is a key component of the workshop.

The Virtues are qualities of the opened heart and as we allow them to arise in us they are a channel for self- transformation. The Virtues operate as profound spiritual, altruistic motivations rooted in universal love. They are the antidote to the Passions whose roots are fear, ignorance and attachment causing suffering.

The Virtues and the Passions are: Type One: Serenity/Anger; Type Two: Humility/Pride Type; Type Three: Veracity/Deceit; Type Four: Equanimity/Envy; Type Five: Non-attachment/Avarice; Type Six: Courage/Fear; Type Seven: Constancy/Gluttony; Type Eight: Innocence/Lust; Type Nine: Right Action/Self-forgetting; Some topics for discussion would be: Type One: Surrender to what I cannot control. Type Two: Balance between giving and receiving. Type Three: Seeing through the idealized self. Type Four: Welcoming all feelings. Type Five: Engaged in the world and holding it loosely. Type Six: Acting with heart although fear may be present. Type Seven: Ability to stay with one’s feelings and be present in the moment. Type Eight: The heart open and unguarded without cynicism or blame. Type Nine: Willingness to do what needs to be done.

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