A bunch of needs that we are not really able to satisfy naturally. We have judgements, emotional patterns and what is most important lack of energy to stand for them. Recognising those limitations is the first step to change the situation. Finding where the energy goes and how to take it back is the second. But those are just the beginning to open the door to satisfaction of the blind needs because a new identity have to emerge to be able to experience fulfillment. We need conscious satisfaction experiences to make that happen. How can we build a safety net to keep ourselves conscious when we leave our insatisfaction comfort zone?
Pedro Espadas is an IEA Accredited Professional since 2010 and Vice-president of AEneagrama. He has trained with almost everybody since 2002. Double degree in Law & Economics, degree in Acting (CNC) and Reiki Mastery. Pedro works as a creative director, actor in films and musicals, singer, publisher, Reiki and Enneagram teacher and author.IEA Accredited Professional
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